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Boys Absolute Territory
By ImJustThatKinky • 4 years ago

Girls have that absolute territory thing locked down. And if you don’t know what a girls absolute territory looks like, here’s a picture.

That lovely image of a girl’s bare leg sandwich between her short skirt and long thigh high stockings. This is mostly just a anime aesthetic since I don’t see many girls wearing this kind of fashion outside. It’s not because it doesn’t look good or hot in real life, I guess it’s just not really the hot thing to do like wearing booty shorts. But something that is hot in anime but not in real life, a guy’s absolute territory.

Yeah, not looking so hot in real life.

It’s when a guy is wearing a shirt that shows off his belly or abs. Now unlike girls where the absolute territory looks hot in real life and anime, a guy’s absolute territory looks hot in anime but retarted in real life. Now I wouldn’t even try to do it since I don’t have a flexing hot stomach, but for even guys who have a fit stomach, it looks completely stupid. It’s one of those fashion statements that I feel like would never catch on for guys, no matter how much clothing companies start pushing it. Anime guys can pull it off, but us real life boys can’t.

Fuck you anime boy for making us real boys look bad.

Do you like girls absolute territory? What about a guys absolute territory? Would you wear one? Tell us in the comments below.