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Would You Squeeze A Boob If You Were Taunted?
By WakeUpSnooze • 3 years ago

Anime utilizes art to immerse you in a world of fiction. Leave your disbelief at the door ladies and gentlemen, suspended, and come absorb yourself into the new dimension that anime creates. Most of the time this is an easy task. But sometimes, sometimes anime hits you with a situation so anime that you can’t help but say “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING MAN, SQUEEZE IT, SQUEEZE IT YOU FUCKER NOBODY IN THE UNIVERSE IS THIS WEAK”. Oof. Apologies for the outburst. Allow me to explain.

Don’t Toy With Me, Nagatoro-San!  has been growing on me this season. At first I was a bit on the fence, but this story about a wimpy dude slowly becoming less wimpy (at least I think that’s gonna happen at some point according to the comments you guys left) thanks to some hard toughening up by bully Nagatoro has stood out to me among romance anime. And I know. I know the first thing many might say is “Snooze, the point of the show is he’s a wimpy loser, what did you expect?” I don’t know man. Maybe it fucking hurts because it’s like I’m watching a past version of myself making the same mistakes. Let me set up the situation for anyone who isn’t watching the anime.

Basically Nagatoro, the bully/not bully love interest, is not in the scene and two of her friends show up to tease the protagonist. Their challenge? They want him to squeeze their boobs, as you do. My man is reluctant to, which I understand, and tries to ignore them. But her friends are no pushovers, practically shoving their boobs in this man's face and taunting him. At this point he is desperately trying to run away like he’s being subjected to punishment. Now in the real world I’m assuming at this point I’m live on To Catch A Piece of Shit and the moment I touch a boob some TV host is gonna pop up and scold me for giving in to unholy temptation or something cause there’s no way this situation occurs in real life otherwise. They’re living in an anime world however, so let’s hypothetically assume that in this real world scenario, this is not a trick and they won’t call the police or shame you in front of the whole school, the most they’ll do is laugh at you for being a pervert (even though they’re the ones instigating you to do it). 

My man acting like his hand contracted The Cooties.

As a doujin blog writer, I know I’m about the lamest of the lame, but I want to honestly say I’m going the fuck in. I’ve had too many situations in the past where I probably could of got something sexual but said dumb shit like “haha xD yeah boobs are great, but have you ate garlic bread?” cause I was nervous (no disrespect to garlic bread). If I knew there would be no repercussions besides them thinking I’m a perv, I’m about to be squeezing those melons like my life depended on it. Sure enough I would be duped, as it was revealed they had buns in their bra. I guess the prank was that our MC would squeeze the boobs, only to realize it was bread? Oh no, the horror. To be honest that’s no punishment in my book and if my grasp is wide enough to catch a little bit of actual boob in there too, that’s a small price to pay.

Awww, I've been outsmarted. How will I live such a thing down?

I hate articles like this because I’m not entirely decided on my stance. Half of me is like “Wow this MC is a lame dick dood, like my past self, but not current Snooze, who is chad as fuck and would grab a boob in seconds given an oppurtunity like this cause he’s that slick and cool” whereas the other half is proclaiming “STFU you doujin blog writing nerd, you would be just like this MC, a scared little bitch not wanting to get embarassed by touching a boob so you’d sit there and try to crack jokes until they give up and leave”. Since I’m undecided, it’s time to hear from you guys. Are you watching this anime? Would you go to cop a feel if a girl was taunting you to do it? Was the MC acting like a little bitch, or just revealing a sad truth of what many would do in that situation, especially at that age? Watch out for Nagatoro, and leave a comment below!