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Scott Pilgrim VA vs. The World
By ImJustThatKinky • 7 months ago

Netflix is starting to become its own anime publishing company. They’ve been dropping bangers after bangers, and it’s been enjoyable to see. Devil Man Crybaby and Edgerunners, just to name a few. Netflix has been on a mostly high streak when it comes to anime releases. And with one of their latest endeavors, Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, it’s looking like another win for Netflix.

But, with recent clips of the anime coming out, it showed off a scene from the anime, with voice acting and animation, and people are getting a little worried about some aspects.

Netflix decided to bring back the original Scott Pilgrim vs. the World cast from the live action movie instead of hiring actual English dub voice actors. Which has gained some negative responses so far.

Which is funny that people are complaining about the English dub, since English dubs don’t have a good reputation anyways, so like, is this any worse than what people already been complaining about in English dubs? I know I’m totally going to be watching it in English dub just to experience it that way, and the way I feel like it was meant to be heard. But if you’re a mega weeb, you can always check out the Japanese dub.

People have also been complaining about the slow pace of the clip, but that’s just because it’s adapting the comics, not the movie. This is going to be a different Scott Pilgrim experience, and maybe a more pure experience from the movie. This might give you a closer experience of the original source material, which I’m totally down for.

What do you think of them bringing back the original movie cast for the anime? Are you going to watch this in English dub or sub? Are you excited for Scott Pilgrim Takes Off? Tell us in the comments.