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New Year, New Fapping Resolution
By WakeUpSnooze • 4 months ago

Happy new year to everyone across the world! With the new year’s arrival comes another round of 1-month gym subscriptions and two-week personality changes. Last year I made a raunchy resolution to clean up my doujinshi backlog for my favorite tags. And by god, I did it. It was a triumphant moment. However, as some commenters warned at the time… after completing the task I once again fell behind and at this point I believe I’m now several pages behind. Go figure. At least it should only be 8-10 pages of doujins rather than the 30-40 pages of last year’s struggle.

Anyway, this year I wanted to simplify my raunchy resolution down to a very basic proposition: try to fap a little more. I know it sounds a bit ridiculous, but lately I’ve had to remind myself that it’s porn engagement time. Otherwise I can go several days to even around a week without remembering to do so. Not only is this questionable for the ever-important fight against prostate cancer (so I’m told), but it also leads to the suffering I face of falling behind on lewd shit in the first place. I probably don’t have too many years left of frequent fapping so I better milk these last few “young and horny” years I have left before I’m a grouchy old man complaining that doujins are a waste of time. Therefore my goal for this year is to simply listen to my body more and when it throws out a lewd signal, try to work it into my schedule for the day and catch up on SOME form of naughty content. That beats last year’s tactic of getting a signal, ignoring that shit to get other activities done instead, and then by nighttime completely forgetting I was ever horny that day.

Oh, and maybe more meditation or whatever.

Statistically speaking, I’ll probably be back to my old ways of rarely fapping in a month or two. But hey you can’t blame a guy for trying. What resolutions are you guys planning to tackle this year, raunchy or respectful? Did you make good progress or complete your resolution for 2023? Do you have other plans regarding how to celebrate the new year? Pop some bottles, set off some fireworks, and say hello to 2024 in the comments below!