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Life Is Strange With A.I.
By ImJustThatKinky • 5 months ago

I know a lot of VAs are afraid that A.I. will one day become so good that they steal their jobs. A.I. voices are getting better and better, so I understand the fear. But a place I thought would always be safe is NSFW voice acting. Like, how can an A.I. sound sexy? Well, creator shakabra24 is trying to make that happen with their Life is Strange NSFW projects.

Using known animators animations, like Hydrafxx and madruga3d and adding an A.I. voice for the girls of Life is Strange. It has mixed results, but scary results nonetheless. Luckily, it seems like the A.I. is still having problems doing moans, and sounding like it’s having sex. So most of what you’ll be hearing the girls talking in their heads, more than them actually having sex. Also, if Life is Strange isn’t your thing, they also enjoy the Last of Us series.

But this just shows how far A.I. has come, and the different usage it has. The more it grows, the more rules are going to need to be put in place so people don’t get their voice stolen, or used for things or products they didn’t agree to. It would be good if people would just be cool and know when not to fuck with someones voice, but you know how people are. They don’t care.

What do you think of the A.I. voices? Do you think A.I. will get good at making sex noises? Are you into Life is Strange porn? Tell us in the comments.